Spring into a New Mindset!

On March 20th, the season shifted to Spring. This new energy invites us to clean out what is no longer serving us and plant new intentions for the coming months. 

The best place to start the process of cleaning and planting anew is our minds. Our thoughts are powerful; they can control how we interpret our reality and ultimately how we feel about our experiences.

The right thoughts can help us maintain momentum on our journey to saying YES to the best version of ourselves. Adopting a “growth-mindset” allows us to tend to our thoughts and choose the ones that provide nourishment to our desires. 

Examples of A Growth Mindset: 

Instead of:

  • I can’t do this. 

  • I’m not good at that. 

  • This isn’t working for me. 


  • With practice I will be able to get this down. 

  • I allow myself the time to master something new. 

  • I can try a new strategy or ask for help or pivot in order to accomplish what I want. 

Observe your thoughts today. Are you thinking in flexible and positive ways? Notice when you can replace limiting words to language that is more flexible and positive. 

Looking forward to seeing you in full bloom!




Ride the Wave of Change!