Your dream job is within reach. Whether you’re a college student or a seasoned professional looking to improve your skills or find a career path, I’m ready to offer my expertise.


The Career Counseling Process

Whether you’re looking for a new job or are ready to level up your skills and career, I can offer you the tools you need to thrive in the workplace.

  • Career Exploration: We’ll start with a few assessment tests, such as the Myers-Briggs and Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory, to reveal your personality, strengths and career preferences.

  • Job Applications: We’ll develop a plan to help you find and apply for jobs that intersect with your interests and strengths. I’ll walk you through different resources including recruiting agencies, LinkedIn and job boards. Then I’ll help you build your resume and craft the perfect application. 

  • Interview Preparation: We’ll work on your interview skills to boost your confidence. I’ll take you through mock interviews and offer insider feedback from my background in HR recruiting.


The Professional Development Coaching Process

Whether you’re looking for a new job or are ready to level up your skills and career, I can offer you the tools you need to thrive in the workplace.

  • Professional Development: We’ll identify your goals and needs, then develop strategies to help you better manage workplace conflict, improve your career and grow your skills.

  • Career Transitions: We’ll work together to find a new role or career path that matches your strengths, interests and goals so that you can feel satisfied with your work..





$325 for an introductory 90 minute session

$250 for 60 minute sessions

$1500 $1350 for 6 session package (10% discount!)

  • "Phyllis was an instrumental influence in helping me transition to college. She helped me face my fears and embrace this once in a lifetime experience. I'm sure I'll hit more bumps in the road, but I now have the tools to cope with them.”

    —Coaching Client

  • “My ability to proudly walk across that stage in a cap and gown is all thanks to Phyllis! She gave me guidance, validated my feelings and taught me that I am capable of so much.”

    —Coaching Client