Psychotherapist (MA, LPC, CDF) | Certified Career Counselor | Mental Health Consultant | Speaker


Saying YES to Life: My Story of Hardship, Resiliency and Triumph

Before I found my purpose and created a beautiful life, I had to learn to say YES. 


YES to getting married and then later, navigating a divorce.

YES to receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, while raising my kids as a single mother.

YES to starting a new career aligned with my new identity. 

With every hardship I faced, I discovered I had the power to either resist it or accept it. I chose the latter. Ironically the hardships that threatened to break me, became my wings to fly.


an aligned path


Every experience in my life has led me to my purpose and expertise.

In my early career, as an Assistant VP at a Wall Street bank, I was responsible for recruiting and training college students which sparked my passion for career development.

After grad school, I became the Assistant Director of Counseling and Psychological Services at Fairfield University where I again worked with college students, this time from a mental health perspective.

I then became involved in my local community, where I started working as a mental health consultant and speaker for organizations such as Hayvn, The Community Fund, Darien EMS Post 53, Darien Library, Darien High School and Darien YMCA. In these roles I’ve offered mental health support, leadership training and education to young adults and parents.


Today, alongside my continued work in the community, I have my own thriving private practice for psychotherapy and career counseling.

I get to utilize my unique knowledge in HR recruiting, higher education and mental health to help young professionals, women and parents overcome their obstacles and transform their life.

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. And you are too.


Change starts with one small step. Schedule a complimentary discovery call to learn more today.