Ride the Wave of Change!

Life is a series of changes. Sometimes these changes are easy to see as beautiful and positive, like the daffodils and tulips sprouting in Spring. Other times, changes are more difficult to understand, such as the darkness and cold that comes with Winter. However, if we accept the changes of Winter with grace, we may find that having more time inside makes us feel cozy, more creative and rested. 

We can apply this same strategy of acceptance with our own changes. But how do we ride the wave of change when we keep meeting resistance and struggle?


The best way to acceptance is to finding meaning behind the hardship. When we search for meaning, we open ourselves up to transforming our hardships into something that ultimately serves us. 


One way to search for meaning is to ask, how can this change serve me? This question allows us to think with flexibility and hopefulness. 


The truth is that if we are able to accept change, we allow the potential for positive growth!


Below are some examples meaningful outcomes to difficult change.


How can this change serve me?

  • It’s showing me where I need to surrender control. 

  • It’s showing me what I don’t want. 

  • It’s helping me learn a new skill I might need in the future. 

  • It’s allowing me to know my strength. 

  • It’s guiding me to welcome compassion for myself or for someone else. 

  • It’s empowering me to make other changes. 

  • It’s teaching me an important lesson. 


Which one resonates with you? I would love to know!

In gratitude,



Spring into a New Mindset!